moc.enipdnayrovi%40arual | 720-306-1107

moc.enipdnayrovi%40arual | 720-306-1107

Beat Burnout.

You recognize that it's not "just stress," but what do you actually do about it?
I can walk you through the symptoms of burnout, how to understand your individual stressors, preventing burnout, treating it, and advocating for yourself at work.
9-10 Modules of content totaling multiple hours, all at your own pace, online, for the price of a therapy session.


Preventing and Treating Burnout

This Course Is for You if...

● You find yourself feeling exhausted, cynical, or irritable, even on a "good day" at work.
● You want to run your business sustainably, so you still enjoy it in 5 years.
● You work for just about any corporation or start up, in customer service, or at a nonprofit.


Preventing and Treating Burnout: for Therapists and Healthcare Professionals

This Course Is for You if...

● You got into your field to help people, and you don't honestly know if you're doing that anymore. 
● You find yourself struggling to get past certain patients stories, or cope with the really difficult stuff. 
● You work in any healthcare, mental health, or social services profession.

Ready to get started?

Get instant access to the course and start beating burnout's ass!